Welcome to my home page. I included here some info about myself, hoping to be able to update it in the future!

A short history

I was born in Perugia, a very fine city in central Italy (www.comune,perugia.it); at age 18 I moved to Rome where I attended the Libera
Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali ( www.luiss.it); in 1983 I graduated in Economics and Business. In 1984-85 I served my
Country in the Carabinieri (Italian Military Police) (www.carabinieri.it)

I am currently associated with Agic.Consulting (www.agic.it), an Italian Consulting Firm based in Rome
My picture

Yes, this is me!!

Alessandro's picture

This is a picture taken in my office, quite early in the morning!


If you want to drop me a line my address is : alessandro @ roscini.net

(To send an e-mail, just copy the address and manually remove the spaces before and after the "@" sign)